  Litter Picking Completed
  Areas to be Litter Picked
  • Mouse over and click any completed litter picking (bright green lines) on the map. A pop-up window will display the date that the litter was picked, and the approximate weight in pounds.

  • Click the "zoom to" link to zoom in further.

  • Click the "Full Extent" to return to the full extent of Vermont at anytime.

  • You can change the basemap from the "Basemaps" drop-down list. Select from street map, color orthophotography, or black and white orthophotography.

  • Click the "Zoom to Town" button to activate the "Zoom to Town" drop-down list. Select a town from the "Zoom to Town" drop-down list. This will zoom you into that town.

The routes (shown on the attached map) are often high speed and high volume roads and our workforce has been trained to work safely in those areas so that t he public doesn't have to. In fact, in some areas (like the interstate) public pedestrian activity is actually illegal.

VTrans, along with our friends at Green Up Vermont, want to remind you that there are many thousands of miles of town and private roads that don't get litter picking attention from our crews. This map provides an indication of areas where we have completed our litter picking and those areas where we are planning on picking this spring. We need your help to make sure the rest of Vermont's roads get the same kind of attention.